Our website provides accurate real time quotes based on the information given when booking. On occasion however, you may find that your selected carrier identifies a discrepancy with the declared size or weight of your items. If a carrier finds that a parcel or pallet is larger or heavier, the sender will not have prepaid the true cost of delivery, meaning there will be an additional cost to pay.

These discrepancies are brought to our attention only once we receive the invoice for your shipment, and are communicated to our customers by our automated billing system in the form of a surcharge. Where there is disagreement with a carrier’s audit, we will submit a dispute with your chosen carrier on your behalf.* In order to do so we will need to provide them with photographic evidence that supports your original size /weight declaration.

In most cases, delivery will already have been completed by the time a surcharge is raised making it difficult to acquire the evidence needed. We therefore strongly recommend photographing your packaged and labelled items to show the weights and measurements before dispatch, or upon arrival.

Below are some examples of the type of evidence we would need to submit a dispute on your behalf.

Photos should show packaged goods being measured from the highest, longest, and widest points. Clearly show the markings on the tape measure and ensure that both ends of the tape measure can be seen in each photo.
N.B. The delivery label must be on clear display in the one of the images.


Acceptable Photos







Unacceptable Photos



Note: Photos must show both ends of the tape measure.


Note: Measurements must be taken from the most extreme points (longest, widest and highest).


Note: The measurement on the tape must be in clear view.


In our experience, providing a photograph of the parcel on a set of scales is helpful, but on its own may not be considered conclusive evidence. What may help to further substantiate your declared weight is a weblink to the product sold (ideally noting the unit weight of the product) and a sales invoice that shows the quantity of the product sold to your customer.


* PLEASE NOTE: ParcelBroker has no authority to override the carriers’ final decision on a surcharge dispute.
